Здравейте! С радост ви приветствам на новия ми личен сайт BirdsPhotographer.com, който е посветен на качествената фотография на птици и диви животни.

Надявам се да прекарате хубави мигове с чаровните птички и животинки които снимам, както и с постовете в блога и тестовете, които възнамерявам често да публикувам. Очаквам вашите коментари под снимките и тестовете, винаги съм готов да побъбря с вас.

Този проект бе реализиран с любезното съдействие на Георги от CreativeDesign и финансиран с паричната награда от спечеления от мен конкурс “Дивият свят на България”.

Поздрави и усмивки от мен.

Споделяне на публикацията

Коментари към “BirdsPhotographer.com – здравей свят!”

  1. Bill Reed
    март 1st, 2011 23:24

    Hi Nicholas,
    Firstly I love the video of the common king fisher.
    I am writing to you, to ask permission to use your video of the common king fisher as a moving desktop for my computer.If it works I would like to send it to my friends.
    I would attach to this an attachment recognising you as the author, and also you website address if required.
    Yours hopefully Bill Reed

  2. Nikolay
    март 1st, 2011 23:35

    Hi Bill,

    Just let me know which one you need, because I uploaded none of them here, on my new site – for now, they are available on YouTube.

  3. Bill Reed
    март 4th, 2011 14:31

    Hi Nikolay
    Thanks for that, I have downloaded the video I want from youtube, It’s the one that starts with the kingfisher holding a fish.
    Could you write a short letter of permission including your web address and as I said I will attach this to my prodject
    Thanks again

  4. Nikolay
    март 4th, 2011 18:44

    May I see the project site and details. Please suggest the letter of permission you need and I will read and confirm it.

  5. Bill Reed
    март 6th, 2011 16:41

    Hi Nikolay
    There is no site to speak of because I am doing this at home, but I would like to pass it to my friends.
    The idea is to create a short peace of video that continually loops so that it looks continuous. There are a number of software’s that can do this.
    The letter of permission would read something like.
    Hi Bill yes you can use the Kingfisher video for your moving desktop and upload it to your friends
    You can also include your web address if you wish it, which would give you the recognition of being the author. I would attach such permission to the desktop.

  6. Nikolay
    март 6th, 2011 22:39

    OK Bill, I grant you the permission. Just include the birdsphotographer.com domain in the visible area of your project.

  7. Bill Reed
    март 7th, 2011 22:43

    Thank you very much Nikolay.


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