After the Nikon D800 memory card test, now it’s time to do the same with Canon ones. Frankly speaking, I feel ashamed that it took me so long, provided that we bought one of the first Canon 5D Mark III in order to use it in the office.
Translated by Maya Golemanova
Again, the results discourage the competition of Lexar 1000x card that literally blow away the other CF cards. The cards I tested are Lexar Professional 1000x 16 GB CF UDMA 7, Transcend 600x 16 GB CF UDMA 6 and Transcend 133x 16 GB CF UDMA 4 memory cards. If you are interested in the methods of measuring, read this article where I explain all the details.
When using a Lexar Professional 1000x card, Canon 5D Mark III (Mark 3) transfers 39 files when shooting in sequence (uninterrupted sequence!) and fills up the buffer in only 3.8 seconds. In the case of Transcend 600 x cards, the results vary a lot. I’ll mention only the best one – 26 files in sequence, transferred in 4.8 seconds. The slowest one from the cards I tested – Transcend 133x – is much worse with only 16 frames shot in sequence and transferred in the “colossal” 22 seconds.
These results do not require interpretation as Lexar Professional 1000x 16 GB CF UDMA 7 definitely crushes all competition.
The current prices of both cards BHPhoto to the test date (06.15.2012) are:
Lexar Professional 1000x 16 GB CF UDMA 7 – 136 USD.
Transcend 600x 16 GB CF UDMA 6 – 59 USD.