Mallard (Anas platyrhynchos)
Comments (0) | Tags: 2011, anas, anas platyrhynchos, bird, bulgaria, Canon 7D, Canon EOS 7D, mallard, non-passerine, omega, photography, platyrhynchos, Skimmer Ground Pod II, wildlife, българия, зеленоглава, зеленоглава патица, Канон 7Д, Канон ЕОС 7Д, непойна птица, патица, птица, снимка, фотография, фотография на птици
Tuesday, July 12th, 2011 @ 00:01
To take this photo I used the SKM-II Skimmer Ground Pod II. It is very comfortable and suitable accessory for shooting wildlife while lying on the ground. If you are interested in, be my guest and read my review of the SKM-II Skimmer Ground Pod II.
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